In a disturbing turn of events, an Indianapolis elementary school teacher is facing serious allegations of orchestrating a "fight club-style" punishment among students, which included a 7-year-old special needs child. The child's mother has taken legal action against George Washington Carver School and teacher Julious Johnican, accusing them of condoning violent behavior within the classroom.
According to a lawsuit obtained by Fox 59, the mother had raised concerns about the "fight club-style" discipline at the beginning of the school year. A video shown by the teacher, intended to showcase the safety of the classroom environment, accidentally exposed audio of a violent attack on the child. The distressing footage captured a classmate repeatedly assaulting the special needs student while the teacher reportedly encouraged the attacker, creating a deeply troubling and harmful environment for the vulnerable child.
The lawsuit further alleges that the teacher, identified as a substitute, engaged in reprehensible behavior by "encouraging" and "instigating" a "fight club" atmosphere within the classroom over a span of three months. Disturbingly, it is claimed that the teacher held the child down on multiple occasions while other students attacked him, leading to emotional and physical harm.
Upon investigation by the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS), it was found that the teacher's actions jeopardized the overall well-being of the victims under his care. The report confirmed the validity of the child's claims and highlighted the teacher's deliberate engagement in behaviors that put the students at risk.
Despite the mother's persistent efforts to address the situation with the school, she was met with dismissive responses and allegations that her son was lying or mentally ill. The substitute teacher, also implicated in the lawsuit, allegedly made derogatory remarks about special needs students and condoned the attacks, contributing to a hostile and unsafe learning environment.
The lawsuit brings forth allegations of disability discrimination, intentional infliction of serious emotional distress, negligent care and supervision, among other charges, reflecting the egregious nature of the teacher's actions. In response to the incident, the Indianapolis Public Schools released a statement affirming their zero-tolerance approach towards such behavior and ensuring that immediate actions were taken to address the issue, including the removal of the teacher from the classroom.
This distressing case underscores the importance of safeguarding the well-being and safety of all students, particularly those with special needs, and highlights the critical role of schools in providing a secure and supportive learning environment.